| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Student's Guide
Emergency dose (shall be accounted for
separately, but maintained with
individual's record)
Records of dose to skin caused by
Radiological incidents
Radiological safety concerns, formally
Records of formal written declaration of
2. Internal monitoring
Baseline bioassay monitoring of
personnel who are likely to receive
intakes resulting in a committed effective
dose equivalent of 100 mrem or more
shall be conducted. This must be done
before beginning any work that may
expose them to internal radiation
Management should require termination
bioassay monitoring when a person who
participated in the bioassay program
terminates employment or concludes
work that involves the potential for
internal exposure.
Bioassay analyses (routine bioassay) are
performed at site specified frequencies
following certain work activities
Bioassay analyses (special bioassay)
should be performed when any of the
following occur:
Facial or nasal contamination is
detected that indicates the potential
for internal contamination.
Airborne monitoring indicates the
potential for intakes exceeding 100
mrem committed effective dose
Module 3 - 6
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