| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
Introduce module.
Show OT 8.1.
State objectives.
Ask students to state what their
A supervisor is more than just a person who sees
definition of leadership is. Write
that a job is conducted and a task completed in
definitions on flip chart. Comment
accord with directions; he/she is also a leader. The
on the diverse responses.
more an organization rewards it's effective leaders,
the fewer employee problems they will have.
Obj. 1
Identify leadership issues faced by
radiological worker supervisors.
A. Definition of leadership
Refer to the definition of leadership,
Leadership is a process that includes influencing:
and ask for examples under each
The objectives and strategies of a group or
Ask students what issues their
employees bring to them. List on
flip chart.
People in the organization to implement the
strategies and achieve the objectives
Group maintenance and identification
The culture of the organization.
B. Characteristics of good leadership
Show OT 8.2.
The characteristics of good leadership can be
Obj. 2
placed in the following categories:
Identify characteristics of a good
Leadership traits
Motives of leaders
Leadership skills
Module 82
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