| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
In an organization, one typically assumes
that an individual's basic needs have been
met (food, shelter, clothing). However, other
needs may not have been met. Supervisors
should be aware of employees' need for a
safe and secure working environment. This
is a critical issue for supervisors of
radiological workers.
It is not the organization's responsibility to
fulfill higher level needs (belongingness, love,
self-actualization). However, supervisors
should understand how these needs
translate into motivation. If employees feel
like they are part of a work team, they will be
more loyal, and perhaps be motivated to
work harder. The need for self-actualization
can often be encouraged by providing
Show OT 7.3.
employees with the authority to make
decisions that are critical to their working
Obj. 2
Identify several ways to motivate
2. Job enrichment theory
The job enrichment theory of motivation
states that certain job dimensions will
motivate employees to work more effectively.
Job dimensions include the following:
Skill variety
Task identity
Task significance
These job dimensions will provide meaning
to the job, make an employee responsible for
the job, and provide feedback concerning
how the job is progressing.
Module 73
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