| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
C. Medical exposures
Site-specific policy for workers
An employer should be attentive to special
receiving medical exposures may be
circumstances of employees, such as those
undergoing radiation therapy, and should
establish an appropriate special control level.
Review: "Occupational Dose Limits"
(RadCon Standard, page 2-5).
D. Off-site exposures
Show OT 4.7.
Workers are responsible for notifying radiological
control personnel of off-site occupational
DOE administrative levels apply to
exposures so that individual dosimetry records
DOE activities (Art. 211 of the
can be updated.
RadCon Standard), while the lifetime
control level applies to all
occupational exposures. Your site
policy should be checked regarding
doses incurred from non-DOE
activities (e.g., Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) or hospital
VI. Declared pregnant employee
Review: "Embryo/Fetus Dose
Limits" (RadCon Standard, article
A. Notification of employer
Show OT 4.8.
After a female radiological worker voluntarily
notifies her employer in writing that she is
Obj. 4
pregnant, for the purposes of embryo/fetal dose
Describe the requirements in order
protection, she shall be considered a declared
for a female worker to be considered
a declared pregnant worker.
pregnant worker. Declarations of pregnancy
may be revoked, in writing, by the declared
pregnant employee at any time.
1. The employer should provide the option of a
mutually agreeable reassignment of work
tasks, without loss of pay or promotional
opportunity, so that further occupational
radiation exposure is unlikely.
Module 4 - 4
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