| Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Student's Guide
Importance of keeping management
C. Radiological operations
Conduct radiological operations in a manner that
controls the spread of radioactive materials,
reduces exposure of the work force and the
general public, and utilizes a process that seeks
exposure levels that are as low as reasonably
1. Supervisors should ensure that orientation,
training, and indoctrination reinforce rules
and guidelines for each worker to minimize
radiation exposure and control radioactivity.
2. Prevention of the spread of radioactivity is
less costly than remediation. Management
should be willing to accept changes that will
improve radiological control and should foster
this mindset throughout the organization.
3. Supervisors and managers should
encourage the work force to identify
radiological control deficiencies and
concerns. Prompt action should be taken to
address and eliminate identified issues and
prevent recurrence.
4. In cases where the work force does not have
the required level of sensitivity for
radiological work practices, additional
management attention is needed to ensure
the proper outcome. Actions should include
the following:
More direct line supervision
Curtailment of work schedules
Deferral of work
Module 3 - 3
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