| ![]() Radiological Safety Training for Plutonium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Once in the bloodstream (whether inhaled or
injected), plutonium will distribute to certain target
organs, such as bone surfaces, the liver, and, to a
lesser extent, the gonads. After plutonium reaches
these organs, it is eliminated extremely slowly
through the feces and urine. The biological half-life
of plutonium is 170-180 years. Biological half-life is
the time required for the body to eliminate one-half
of the uptake.
4-6 MeV
Because plutonium may remain in the body for
a long time and the alpha energy is fairly high,
target organs can receive large (greater than 50
rem) doses over time.
C. Medical treatment
1. Chelation therapy
Show OT 22.
Chelation therapy is recommended for
plutonium inhalation. It is also recommended
for injections through wounds, and excision may
also be necessary.
Refer students to
Chelating agents are drugs that increase the
LL 3.
solubility of plutonium and enhance the body's
Discuss (optional)
ability to eliminate it through the urine.
DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) is
generally more effective than other chelating
agents. It is not a new drug and has been used
on hundreds of individuals. However, because
there is no commercial use for DTPA, it is
categorized as an Investigational New Drug
(IND). Because it is an IND, a consent form
must be signed prior to administering it.
There are two primary types of DTPA: calcium- Show OT 23.
DTPA (Ca-DTPA) and zinc-DTPA (Zn-DTPA).
Ca-DTPA is more effective than Zn-DTPA in the
first 24 hours. Because it depletes more of the
heavy metals in the body (such as iron or zinc),
it is not recommended for long-term treatment.
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