| ![]() Radiological Safety Training for Plutonium Facilities
Student's Guide
Be aware that it is possible to have a
neutron dose rate when there is little or no
gamma dose rate. Therefore, special
surveys for neutrons may need to be done in
areas where gamma radiation fields would
be expected.
4. Personnel contamination monitors
Personnel survey instruments are usually
placed at the exits from radiologically controlled
areas. Personnel frisking shall be performed
after removal of protective clothing and prior to
washing and showering. The use of a
personnel contamination monitor (such as a
portal monitor or hand and foot counter), if
available, is encouraged by the RadCon
Standard. Personal items such as notebooks,
papers, flashlights, shall be subjected to the
same frisking.
5. Airborne radioactivity
Continuous air monitors (CAMs)
It is important to alert workers when airborne
radioactivity levels rise because inhalation is
the most common pathway into the body.
CAMs collect radioactive material from the
air over an extended period of time and
measure the activity. If a CAM activates in
the room you are in, LEAVE as quickly and
as safely as possible. Get at least one air
space away (next room or farther) from the
alarm and notify the site radiological control
organization immediately.
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