| ![]() Radiological Safety Training for Plutonium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Lapel air samplers
Lapel air samplers are small battery-
powered devices, attached to workers'
lapels, that draw air through a filter to collect
radioactive particulates for determination of
the air concentration breathed by the
Show OT 32.
B. Personnel monitoring
Obj. 7
1. External dosimetry
Identify the following
monitoring techniques for
The most common device used to monitor
worker dose is the thermoluninescent dosimeter plutonium:
(TLD). Dosimeters can be configured to
monitor beta, gamma, x-ray, and neutron
Insert site policy for wearing
Supplemental dosimeters (TLDs in finger rings
or wrist bands) may also be worn for monitoring
extremity dose.
Insert site policy for use of
There are dosimeters and gamma pencils
finger rings.
equipped with alarms that can be used, but they
must be specially made for low-energy gamma
Use site-specific terminology
rays. Nuclear accident dosimeters (NADs) are
for NADs.
required for facilities with sufficient quantities of
plutonium to form a critical mass. They are
issued to personnel and are also stationed
throughout the facility. They contain different
types of materials that become radioactive
through neutron activation. The neutron dose is
determined by evaluating the amount of
activation of the NAD material.
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