| ![]() DOE-STD-1104-96
Management and Coordination
DOE reviews of TSRs are generally conducted in coordination with DSA reviews, and by
many of the same team members. This provides an economy of effort, because team
members, by virtue of their familiarity with the DSA, have an understanding of the
commitments made in the DSA that need to be reflected in the TSR. The discussions in
Section 1 of this Standard relative to management and coordination of DSA reviews are
equally applicable to the TSR review process. The management plan should address
both DSA and TSR reviews. Because the TSRs must implement commitments made in
the DSA, approvals and implementation of both the DSA and TSRs must be coordinated.
Approval Bases
The approval bases for the TSR document are the TSR provisions. These TSR
provisions may be design features, safety limits, operating limits (limiting control settings
and limiting conditions of operation), surveillance requirements, or administrative controls
(primarily commitments to implement safety management programs according to the
facility-specific characteristics described in the DSA). The approval bases for a TSR
document include a disciplined analysis and tracing of commitments to hazard controls
through appropriate provisions that implement these controls in a TSR document. In
some cases the specific treatment of safety controls in the TSR is committed to in the
DSA; in other cases, it is a judgment call as to the appropriate TSR treatment.
Determining the adequacy of the TS R provisions generally entails being able to conclude
Hazard controls that are discussed in the DSA are faithfully translated
into TSR provisions.
The TSR provisions are appropriate and consistent with the DSA.
The sources of information in a DSA regarding these provisions are the hazards analysis,
including description of hazard controls; the description of safety structures, systems, and
components (SSCs), the classification of these SSCs as Safety Class, Safety Significant,
or other important defense-in -depth SSCS, the description of the functional requirements
for the safety SSCs, and the derivation of TSRs section; and the descriptions of the
safety management programs.
Hazards Analysis
A hazards analysis will include a disciplined analysis of all hazards within the scope of
the DSA, including a listing of applicable preventative and mitigative hazard controls.
These controls may include safety SSCs, design features, and provisions of various
safety management programs. These controls should be regarded as DSA
commitments. They should be traced through DSA documentation to specific TSR
Safety SSC
Safety SSCs must be described in sufficient detail in a DSA so that their functional
requirements are defined and the bases for TSR requirements are derived. These safety
SSCs will be either active or passive. If passive, they should also be considered for
designation as "Design Features" in the TSR. These are features of facility design that
may not be changed without DOE review and approval. A crosscheck between DSA -
identified important design features and the Design Features section of the TSR should
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