| ![]() DOE-STD-1104-96
A description of the facility's life-cycle stage, mission(s), scope of
operations, and the design of safety structures, systems, and
components is presented, including explanation of the impact on the
facility safety basis.
Clear basis for and provisions of exemptions, consent agreements, and
open issues are presented.
Description of the site, facility, and operational processes provide a
knowledgeable reviewer sufficient background material to understand the
major elements of the safety analysis.
Correlation is established between actual facility arrangements and
operations with those stated in the DSA. This may be accomplished
successfully through reference to facility walkthroughs during DSA
preparation. Walkthroughs may also be warranted during DSA review to
provide some level of assurance that the actual physical arrangement of
a facility corresponds to that documented in the DSA. For example, a
walkthrough may be considered for a facility and/or operation that was
modified in the time frame between when DSA development was started
and completed. This is not intended to imply the review team must
perform detailed verifications of facility configuration. The objective is to
allow the review team to conclude that the basic descriptions provided
are fundamentally up-to-date and correct.
Hazard and Accident Analyses
Another of the DSA approval bases is hazard and accident analyses and forms the
foundation upon which the remaining approval bases (i.e., safety SSCs, derivation of
TSRs, and safety management program characteristics) rely. Determining the adequacy
of hazard and accident analyses generally entails being able to conclude that the DSA
contains sufficient documentation and basis to arrive at the following conclusions:
The hazard analysis includes hazard identification that specifies or
estimates the hazards relevant for DSA consideration (i.e., both natural
and man-made hazards associated with the work and the facility) in
terms of type, quantity, and form, and also includes properly performed
facility hazard categorization.
The final hazard category for the facility is determined consistent with
DOE-STD-1027 Change Notice No. 1 or successor document. Any
differences between the final hazard category and the initial hazard
category are explained.
The hazard analysis includes hazard evaluation that covers the activities
for which approval is sought, is consistent in approach with safe harbor
methodologies, identifies preventive and mitigative features for the
spectrum of events examined, and identifies dominant accident
scenarios through ranking.
The hazard analysis evaluates normal, abnormal, and accident
conditions, including consideration of natural and man -made external
events, identification of energy sources or processes that might
contribute to the generation or uncontrolled release of radioactive and
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