| ![]() DOE-STD-1104-96
Representing the focal point for interface between DOE and the facility
contractor for review matters;
Developing a review plan, including review milestones developed in
consultation with the facility contractor;
Establishing and managing the review team;
Supervising the overall review process, including planning and
scheduling changes;
Coordinating, scheduling, and arbitrating issue resolution; and
Preparing a SER.
The approval authority does not relinquish responsibility for ensuring adequate
performance of the review team leader in fulfilling assigned responsibilities. Final
approval of the DSA and SER issuance remain an unassignable responsibility function of
the approval authority and are based on consideration of the review team leader's
A review plan defines the extent and details of the review process, deemed necessary for
each DSA. Well before submittal of the DSA for approval, plans should be developed in
coordination with the facility contractor where support of the contractor will be required
(e.g., briefings on the DSA, facility walkthroughs, and issue resolution). The review plan
can be very brief for the least hazardous or the least complex facility DSAs and is
generally not necessary for the review of revisions and annual updates of DSAs. The
plan should be approved by the approval authority with a copy forwarded to the facility
contractor for their information. Basic components of a review plan include:
Scope and objectives of the review and their bases, including technical-,
mission-, and/or project-related influences impacting the extent and
detail of the review;
Methodology of the review, including basic task identification, objectives,
and criteria by which the review is to be conducted;
Resources required for the review;
Process and requirements for providing orientation for the reviewers (e.g.
briefings, training on review plan and review criteria, facility
walkthroughs, etc.);
Means of coordinating the review (e.g., periodic monitoring of individual
tasks, documentation of review effort s, formats for issue submittal and
responses, tracking of issues and their resolutions, record keeping, etc.);
Required SER reviews and signoffs;
Schedule for the review, including key milestones for the review process
(e.g., dates of facility walkthroughs , briefings, and/or meetings, calendar
time allotted for issue submittal and issue resolution, SER reviews, and
final SER approval).
The review plan is developed from a general understanding of the overall facility safety
basis gleaned from existing safet y basis documentation (e.g., Basis for Interim
Operations), familiarity with the facility, and DOE experiences with similar facilities.
Typical considerations include facility hazard category, complexity of operations,
dominant accident concerns apparent, known operational and / or design vulnerabilities,
existing mission or program influences (e.g., mission-related considerations and
objectives) and time constraints for the review and approval. Careful consideration
should be given to developing the revi ew plan and any subsequent updating of the plan
due to major changes in the DSA development schedule, provisions, or approach to its
review. Many elements considered in planning the review will be summarized as part of
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