| DOE-STD-1104-96
understanding of the major facility hazards. In summarizing this information the SER
does not repeat the details of the DSA assumptions or calculations. The SER may,
however, discuss essential aspects of important issues resolved during the review
Safety Structures, Systems, and Components
This section documents the bases for approving the designation of safety SSCs and their
associated safety functions, functional requirements, system evaluations, and potential
TSR coverage, including any conditions of approval imposed. Focus is on the
consistency of the logic developed in hazard and accident analyses being carried through
to the identification of safety SSCs and the definitions and descriptions provided for these
In addition to bases of acceptance, this SER section provides a brief synopsis of safety
SSCs and their safety functions as determined in the hazard and accident analyses. The
purpose of summarizing this information is not to recapture detailed information already
presented in the DSA. The summary provides a reader an elementary understanding of
the safety SSCs and the bases of their designation in hazard and accident analyses. The
SER may, however, discuss essential aspects of important issues resolved during the
review proces s.
Derivation of Technical Safety Requirements
This section documents the bases for approving the derivation of TSRs, including any
conditions of approval imposed. Such documentation focuses on the consistency of the
logic developed in the hazard and ac cident analyses and safety SSC chapters being
carried through to the derivation of TSRs. The TSRs required by 10 CFR 830.205 are
not specified in a DSA, which is only required to provide the basis of their derivation.
In addition to bases of acceptance, the SER section provides a brief synopsis of the
derivation of TSRs as a function of the hazard and accident analyses. This information is
intended for the sole purpose of providing minimal, facility-specific context for SER bases
of approval, such that an elementary understanding of the operational envelope can be
gleaned from the SER. The SER does not, however, attempt to repeat detailed
information contained in the DSA.
Safety Management Program Characteristics
This section documents the bases of app roving safety management program
characteristics, including any conditions of approval imposed. These bases do not relate
to compliance with regulatory requirements, but to identification of the basic capability
and awareness of fundamental provisions nee ded for maintaining the adequacy of the
facility safety basis. This approval simply documents that the basic elements of the
institutional safety management programs depended on for ensuring facility safety basis
are adequate and that these elements can and will be implemented. A list of these
programs briefly noting their general significance to defense in depth, worker safety,
and/or dominant accident scenarios is provided, but no summary of the information from
each programmatic chapter is needed.
4.10 Technical Safety Requirements
This section documents the basis of approving the TSRs. It should be verified that all the
commitments for safety controls that are made in the DSA are carried through to TSR
provisions. Judgment needs to be exercised in the specifics of the form of TSR treatment
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