| ![]() DOE-STD-1107-97
Appendix A
GENERAL QUALIFICATION CRITERIA [adapted from ANSI/ANS-3.1-1993, Selection, Qualification, and
Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants, section 4.1 and DOE 5480.20A, Personnel Selection,
Qualification, and Training Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities]
The level of knowledge, skills, and abilities forms the basis for qualification requirements for key radiation
protection positions at DOE radiological facilities. Radiological control personnel should possess the
knowledge, skills, and abilities commensurate with their organization position and the responsibilities of that
position (10 CFR 830.120(c)(ii), Personnel Training and Qualification). An acceptable set of qualifications for
key radiation protection positions are provided in this appendix. Qualification is defined in terms of
education, experience, training examination, and any special requirements necessary for performance of
assigned responsibilities. Individuals should be qualified at the time of appointment to the position.
A. Basic Qualification Criteria
In the case of individuals who do not fully meet the literal requirements for a given key radiation protection
position, consideration may be given to the collective experience of the operating organization. Individuals
who do not meet the experience requirements for a position may be assigned to that position provided the
overall operating organization is considered balanced and strong and that DOE approval is obtained on a
case-by-case basis. Individuals temporarily filling a position due to the absence of its principal should
possess, as a minimum, the qualifications required for the corresponding position in the next lower functional
level. Such assignments should be justified and a time period for them specified and documented.
Temporary assignments should not reduce the collective experience requirements specified for that level.
Individuals filling positions having special requirements stated in this document should meet those special
Time spent in a structured, job-related development program may be considered experience meeting the
requirements discussed in this appendix if the individual performs tasks or observes and discusses the
performance of tasks similar to those that the individual will be qualified to perform. The structured program
should involve observation and performance of a variety of tasks that cover the range of duties of the
qualified position. The individual should perform the tasks under the direction of a qualified individual. To
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