| ![]() DOE-STD-1107-97
Appendix A
Special Requirements:
During the 2 years of DOE radiological activities experience, the individual should have participated in
radiological control organization activities at a DOE facility for 6 months.
Becuse of the nature of their duties, RCT Supervisors should generally be considered to be subject
to the education, training, and skills requirements of 10 CFR 835.103. [RCS 646.1]
Radiological Control Technician Supervisors should have supervisory and leadership capabilities to
direct the work of technicians; effectively interact with crafts, line supervisors, professional staff and
other managers; and be able to respond to and direct others in emergency and abnormal situations.
[RCS 646.2]
RCT Supervisors' knowledge of a facility's RadCon hazards, programs, and procedures should be
reassessed every 2 yrs. DOE encourages the use of comprehensive Oral Exam Boards per RCS 643.
Oral Examination Boards should focus on the ability to analyze situations and supervise subordinates.
The Radiological Control Technician Supervisor's depth of knowledge should exceed that expected of
a Senior Radiological Control Technician. [RCS 646.4]
Senior Radiological Control Technician
Emergency response personnel
Senior Radiological Control Technicians are responsible for monitoring radiological work, prescribing
radiological controls for various radiological activities, and conducting radiological surveys. Technicians
interpret and verify field data accumulated from radiological surveys and monitoring. [ANSI/ANS 3.1, 4.5.3]
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