| ![]() DOE-STD-1107-97
Appendix A
1.2.3 Administrative policies and procedures; and
1.2.4 Interpersonal skills.
Qualification criteria for the following six generic radiation protection positions are included in Appendix A:
Radiological Control Manager; Radiological Control Senior/Technical and Support Staff; Radiological Control
Technician Supervisor; Senior Radiological Control Technician; Radiological Assessor; and Radiological
Control Instructor. Most of these positions are referenced in DOE-STD-1098-99; however, the assessor
and instructor positions are not specifically described. These two positions are necessary to implement
the guidance of DOE-STD-1098-99 and are directly related to specific key radiation protection positions
identified by the Department.
Qualification criteria adapted from DOE-1098-99 appear as references in brackets with the appropriate
article number cited (e.g., [RCS 642.1]); those adapted from ANSI/ANS-3.1-1993, Selection,
Qualification, and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants, appear as references in brackets
with the appropriate section number from the ANSI standard (e.g., [ANSI/ANS-3.1, 4.4.4]); those
adapted from DOE 5480.20A, Personnel Selection, Qualification, and Training Requirements for DOE
Nuclear Facilities, appear as references in brackets (e.g., [DOE 5480.20A, Chap. II]).
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