| ![]() DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 1
Volume One of this Standard applies to hazard category 2 or 3 environmental restoration
activities and decommissioning projects as defined in 10 CFR 830, Subpart B. Volume One
does not apply to facility life-cycles that are subject to the safe harbor provisions of DOE-STD-
3009, Preparation Guide for U.S. Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Safety
Analysis Reports or DOE-STD-3011, Guidance for Preparation of Basis for Interim Operation
processing of reactive liquids and any long-term surveillance and maintenance). Since Volume
Two has a broader focus than safety basis requirements it does apply to all phases of facility
disposition (i.e., facility deactivation, surveillance and maintenance, and decommissioning).
The Standard consists of two volumes. Volume 1: Documented Safety Analysis for
Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration Projects, has four sections, including this
introductory section. Section 2 discusses general safety basis concepts that have a direct or
indirect impact on the DSA. Section 3 provides guidance on preparing DSAs and TSRs that are
compliant with 10 CFR 830, Subpart B requirements and associated methodology for
decommissioning of a nuclear facility. Section 4 provides guidance on preparing DSAs and
TSRs that are compliant with 10 CFR 830, Subpart B requirements and associated methodology
for environmental restoration activities involving work not performed within a permanent
Volume 2: Appendices, complements other sections of the Standard with additional
environment, safety and health (ES&H) information. Appendix A provides a set of candidate
DOE ES&H directives and external regulations, organized by hazard types that may be used to
identify potentially applicable directives to a specific facility disposition activity. Appendix B
offers examples and lessons learned that illustrate implementation of ES&H approaches
discussed in Section 3 of Volume 1. Appendix C contains Integrated Safety Management
guidance that applies to all facility disposition projects. Appendix D provides supplemental
safety basis guidance related to inactive waste sites. Appendix E provides example risk binning
guidelines that can be used to support control selection. Appendix F provides guidance for
readiness evaluations.
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