| ![]() DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 1
equipment and materials, both off-site and within the site, should also be described.
Restoration Project and Site Description (Section 4.1)
Site Location
Site History
Restoration Project Activities and Techniques
Hazard and Accident Analysis (Section 4.2)
Hazard Analysis Results (includes hazards identification, categorization, evaluation)
Accident Analysis (Hazard Category 2 facilities with accidents that potentially challenge the
Evaluation Guideline)*
Hazard Controls (Section 4.3)
Safety SSCs (includes safety functions, functional requirements, system evaluation)*
Safety Management Programs
Specific Administrative Controls
*Typically not expected for vast majority of environmental restoration projects
Figure 3. Simplified DSA Format for Environmental Restoration Projects
4.1.2 Site History
Background information should be presented on activities that led to the condition requiring
restoration. Previous waste disposal activities should be described in terms of the types and
quantities of radioactive and hazardous materials and methods used for treatment and disposal
(i.e., container burial, seepage ponds, direct injection). Other details that are important to the
analysis include the estimated condition of any waste containers being exhumed, design details
of disposal trenches or wells that were used, characterization and sampling activities performed
and the resulting estimated contamination levels that are expected.
4.1.3Restoration Project Activities and Techniques
The scope of the restoration activity should be presented in sufficient detail that is commensurate
with the expected hazards and complexity of the project. The description should include the
regulatory driver for restoration, planned characterization activities, primary operational phases
that comprise the project, any work sequencing requirements and parallel work activities, and the
anticipated final state upon completion of the restoration activity. Temporary or permanent
SSCs that are part of the project should also be presented.
Restoration techniques should also be described, including the requirements for power, cooling
water and other external supplies to the equipment used to carry out activities. Soil restoration
techniques generally fall into one of four categories:
Soil Capping and Ground Penetrations to Support Monitoring Activities installation of soil
capping and/or minor intrusive activity into the waste matrix for monitoring the effectiveness
of an environmental cap, e.g., ground water wells, piezometer well installation, or some other
means of environmental effectiveness measurement.
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