| ![]() Radiological Safety Training for Plutonium Facilities
Instructor's Guide
2. Internal dosimetry
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Indication of internal exposure is achieved
bioassay, frequency, and
through many different methods. For
measurement capabilities.
instance, nasal smears are used to indicate
exposure to airborne radioactivity. The
presence of contamination in the nose is a
good indicator that the worker inhaled
radioactive material. However, it is common
knowledge that the absence of
contamination in the nose does not prove an
intake did not occur. If there is a positive
indication, other methods are used to
measure how much plutonium has been
taken into the body.
Show OT 33.
Direct measurements
17-20 keV
Plutonium's low-energy x-rays and gamma
60 keV
radiation (17-20 keV) are not readily
detected. However, the decay product,
Am-241, emits gamma radiation (60 keV)
that can be detected with specially designed
detectors. Lung counters are special
detectors that are placed over the lungs to
determine the amount of radioactive material
in the lungs.
Wound counters are devices that can
estimate the amount of plutonium in
injections/wounds. They are small detectors
that are placed directly over the wound.
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