| ![]() DOE-SPEC-1142-2001
7.3.8. Lymphocytes ________%;
Alveolar macrophages ________%
Eosinophils ________ %;
Neutrophils _________%;
Basophils __________%;
RBC/WBC __________
7.3.10. NUCLEAR DEBRIS? (YES/NO) (indicates problems with lavage procedure)
ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE. After the lavage sample has been received in the
BeLPT laboratory.
7.4.1. Note volume of lavage on summary sheet. Give a brief description of the
fluid (cloudy, bloody, etc.).
7.4.2. Mix fluid and remove 3 - 5 ml of lavage for CBC and differential.
7.4.3. Transfer lavage to 50 ml centrifuge tube(s), and spin for 5 minutes at 400 x g.
Wash the cells three times to be certain all surfactant proteins are removed. A
calcium and magnesium-free balanced salt solution such as Hanks or
Dulbeccos should be used for the washings.
7.4.4. After washing, re-suspend the cell pellet in the complete medium to a
concentration of 1.0 x 106 mononuclear cells/ml. Dispense 0.1 ml of cell
suspension into wells of the plate. This provides 1 x 105 cells/well. Higher cell
concentrations may produce lower counts (diminished stimulation) in the
Note: It may be difficult to obtain sufficient cells to achieve the required final
cell concentration. Accordingly, the assay should be performed on the original
lavage cell preparation and a Ficoll-Hypaque separation is done only if there
are sufficient cells. The cell recovery in the gradient is considerably less than
100%. Laboratory experience in cell recovery should be the guide. In patients
with end-stage lung disease there are often increased numbers of neutrophils
which can be removed by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation (if
7.4.5. The recommended plate arrangement requires 6 x 106 mononuclear cells in
6.0 ml medium. When sufficient cells are available, the BeLPT on the lavage
sample should be set up and harvested as described for the peripheral blood
BeLPT (see section 6.2).
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