| ![]() DOE-SPEC-1142-2001
that have been identified by positive blood proliferation responses to beryllium have
gone on to develop disease.
4. APPLICATION. Beryllium sensitivity testing is used as a screening tool for possible chronic
beryllium disease, as a surveillance tool in indicating hazardous working conditions, and as
part of the diagnostic criteria for the disease. The blood lymphocyte proliferation test for
beryllium sensitization (BeLPT) is a screening test with a sensitivity and specificity that is
not clearly defined at this time. This is attributable to the fact that the populations of normal
people have not had lung biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage to include or exclude chronic
beryllium disease. The value of a repeatedly positive BeLPTs in predicting CBD can be
calculated and is estimated to be approximately 44 to 50 percent (positive predictive value).
The bronchoalveolar lavage lymphocyte proliferation test for beryllium sensitization (BAL-
LPT) is the preferred test of beryllium sensitivity as part of the diagnostic criteria for chronic
beryllium disease.
5.1.1. RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 25mM HEPES buffer and 200 mM
5.1.2. Human serum, Type AB, heat inactivated to eliminate complement activity.
Each lot MUST BE TESTED for its ability to support lymphocyte
proliferation (i.e., it should not exhibit excessive levels of toxicity or cell
killing in the presence of beryllium). It is aliquoted and stored at -20C until
use. It should not be refrozen.
5.1.3. Penicillin-streptomycin, 100 U and 50 gm/ml respectively or 50 g/ml
gentamicin sulfate
5.1.4. Phosphate-buffered balanced salt solution (i.e., Hank's, Dulbecco's, etc).
5.1.5. Tritiated Thymidine (specific activity 2-10 Ci/mM)
5.1.6. Beryllium sulfate, 0.2 M solution (Brush Wellman, Inc).
5.1.7. PHA (Phytohemagglutinim) and/or Con A (concanavalin-A) and/or Candida
albicans allergenic extract or recall antigen suitable for population such as
tetanus. Should be prepared in a concentration known to stimulate lymphocyte
proliferation optimally (i.e., ~30 g/ml in culture and 10 g/ml in culture for
PHA and ConA, respectively).
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