| ![]() DOE-SPEC-1142-2001
5.3.2. The beta counter (gas ionization or scintillation) should be calibrated at
regular intervals according to the instrument manufacturer's specifications to
ensure optimal performance. Documentation of the calibration should be kept
in a readily accessible format.
5.3.3. Each plate contains blank wells. Mean counts per minute (cpm) for the blank
wells should not exceed the normal range of background counts for the
counting instrument used. Documentation of the normal range of background
counts should be maintained.
5.3.4. After training, each new technician should set up approximately 10 tests in
duplicate with other experienced technicians. This can be done using blood
submitted, since about 25% of the samples will have enough cells. When the
duplicate tests are completed, the following parameters should be compared:
counts in blank wells, coefficient of variation in the control wells, calculated
stimulation indexes in the beryllium-stimulated wells and in the mitogen-
stimulated wells, and overall interpretation of the test. The comparison should
be based on the statistics described in Appendix B.
5.3.5. The laboratory should have knowledge of and adherence to applicable
standards for dealing with chemical, biological, radiological hazards, and
waste handling procedures. Documentation should be maintained on required
training for laboratory personnel in the areas of: radiation hazards, blood-
borne pathogens, and chemical hazards.
5.3.6. The laboratory should maintain a log of samples received containing, at a
minimum: name and/or identification number, date received, time in transit,
and unusual circumstances (e.g., more than 24 hours old, hemolyzed, tubes
extremely hot or cold, etc.).
5.3.7. It shall be the responsibility of the Laboratory Director or designee to assure
that the laboratory meets an external standard of quality assurance and quality
control and that the laboratory is in compliance with appropriate State and
Federal regulations. The College of American Pathologists (CAP)
accreditation is required.
6.1.1. Three 10 ml containers of heparinized blood is sent at room temperature to
arrive at the testing site within 24 to 30 hours of being drawn. Appropriate
insulating material should be used to maintain satisfactory temperature control
and to avoid extreme temperature fluctuation of the cells and maximize cell
viability during shipping. Use three sterile green-top sodium or lithium
heparinized vacutainers, 10 ml size.
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