| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
nuclear power industry. The references for this work are the Senior Seismic Review and
Advisory Panel (SSRAP) report (Ref. 2-12) and the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) for
Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment (Ref. 2-13). Note that there are numerous
restrictions ("caveats") on the use of this data as described in the SSRAP report and the GIP. It is
necessary to conduct either seismic analyses or shake table testing to demonstrate sufficient
seismic capacity for those items that cannot be verified by seismic experience data or for items
that are not obviously inherently rugged for seismic effects. Currently, use of experience data is
permitted for existing facilities and for the items specified in the three references, (Ref 2-5), (Ref.
2-12) and (Ref. 2-13).
Anchorage and Supports
Adequate strength of equipment anchorage requires consideration of tension, shear, and
shear-tension interaction load conditions. The strength of cast-in-place anchor bolts and
undercut type expansion anchors shall be based on IBC Chapter 19 provisions (Ref. 2-7) for PC-
1 and
PC-2 SSCs and on ACl 349 provisions (Ref. 2-14) for Performance Category 3 and higher SSCs.
For new design by AC1 349 provisions, it is required that the concrete pullout failure capacity be
greater than the steel cast-in-place bolt tensile strength to assure ductile behavior. For evaluation
of existing cast-in-place anchor bolt size and embedment depth, it is sufficient to demonstrate
that the concrete pullout failure capacity is greater than 1.5 times the seismic induced tensile
load. For existing facility evaluation, it may be possible to use relaxed tensile-shear interaction
relations provided detailed inspection and evaluation of the anchor bolt in accordance with
References 2-5 and 2-15 is performed.
The strength of expansion anchor bolts should generally be based on design allowable
strength values available from standard manufacturers' recommendations or sources such as site-
specific tests or References 2-5 and 2-15. Design-allowable strength values typically include a
factor of safety of about 4 on the mean ultimate capacity of the anchorage. It is permissible to
utilize strength values based on a lower factor of safety for evaluation of anchorage in existing
facilities, provided the detailed inspection and evaluation of anchors is performed in accordance
with References 2-5 and 2-15. A factor of safety of 3 is appropriate for this situation. When
anchorage is modified or new anchorage is designed, design-allowable strength values including
the factor of safety of 4 shall be used. For strength considerations of welded anchorage, AISC
allowable values (Ref. 2-10) multiplied by 1.7 shall be used. Where shear in the member
governs the connection strength, capacity shall be determined by multiplying the AISC
allowable shear stress by 1.4.
Stiffness of equipment anchorage shall also be considered. Flexibility of base anchorage
can be caused by the bending of anchorage components or equipment sheet metal. Excessive
eccentricities in the load path between the equipment item and the anchor is a major cause of
base anchorage flexibility. Equipment base flexibility can allow excessive equipment movement
and reduce its natural frequency, possibly increasing dynamic response. In addition,
flexibility can lead to high stresses in anchorage components and failure of the anchorage or
equipment sheet metal.
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