| DOE-STD-1020-2002
[12.9% ] = 9.4
βe =
For the reference 1.0g NUREG/CR-0098 spectrum, at fe equal to 4.5 Hz and βe equal to
9.4%, the spectral acceleration is given by:
S A Fe, βe = 1.68 g
and the inelastic energy absorption factor is given by:
C.5.1 Capacity Approach
For existing components, material strength properties should be established at the 95%
exceedance actual strength levels associated with the time during the service life at which such
strengths are a minimum. If strengths are expected to increase during the service life, then the
strength of an existing component should be its value at the time the evaluation is performed. If
strengths are expected to degrade during the service life, then strengths to be used in the
evaluation should be based on estimated 95% exceedance strengths at the end of the service life.
Whenever possible, material strengths should be based on 95% exceedance values estimated
from tests of the actual materials used at the facility. However, when such test data is
unavailable, then code minimum material strengths may be used. If degradation is anticipated
during the service life, then those code minimum strengths should be further reduced to account
for such degradation (for example, long term thermal effects on concrete).
For new designs, material strength properties should be established at the specified
minimum value defined by the applicable code or material standard. If degradation is anticipated
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