| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
is slightly more severe than that corresponding to the design criteria for essential facilities (e.g.,
hospitals, fire and police stations, centers for emergency operations) in accordance with model
building codes (e.g., Ref. B-7).
Performance Category 3 and higher SSCs pose a potential hazard to workers, public
safety and the environment because radioactive or hazardous materials are present. Design
considerations for these categories are to limit SSC damage so that hazardous materials can be
controlled and confined, occupants are protected, and functioning of the SSC is not interrupted.
The performance goal for Performance Category 3 and higher SSCs is to limit damage such that
DOE safety policy is achieved. For these categories, damage must typically be limited in
confinement barriers (e.g., buildings, glove boxes, storage cannisters, vaults), ventilation systems
and filtering, and monitoring and control equipment in the event of an occurrence of severe
earthquakes, winds, or floods. In addition, SSCs can be placed in Performance Categories 3 or 4
if improved performance is needed due to high hazard material confinement, danger of criticality
(Reference DOE G 420.1-2) and cost or mission requirements. For Performance Category 3
SSCs, an appropriate performance goal has been set at an annual probability of exceedance of
are impaired.
For Performance Category 4 SSCs, a reasonable performance goal is an annual probability of
exceedance of about 10-5 of damage beyond which hazardous material confinement and
safety-related functions are impaired. These performance goals approaches and approximates,
respectively, at least for earthquake considerations, the performance goal for seismic-induced
core damage associated with design of commercial nuclear power plants (Refs. B-14, B-15,
B-16, and B-17). Annual frequencies of seismic core damage from published probabilistic risk
assessments (PRA) of recent commercial nuclear plants have been summarized in Reference
B-18. This report indicates that mean seismic core damage frequencies ranged from 4x10-6/year
to 1x10-4/year based on consideration of 12 plants. For 10 of the 12 plants, the annual seismic
performance goals given in the NPH Guide for DOE O 420.1 are consistent with Reference
B-18 information.
Evaluation of Existing Facilities
New SSCs can be designed by these criteria, but existing SSCs may not meet these NPH
provisions. For example, most facilities built a number of years ago in the eastern United States
were designed without consideration of potential earthquake hazard. It is, therefore, likely that
some older DOE facilities do not meet the earthquake criteria presented in this document.
For existing SSCs, an assessment must be made for the as-is condition. This assessment
includes reviewing drawings and conducting site visits to determine deviations from the
drawings and any in-service deterioration. In-place strength of the materials can be used when
available. Corrosive action and other aging processes should be considered. Evaluation of
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