| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
It may be possible to conduct the aspects of the seismic evaluation in a
more rigorous manner that removes conservatism such that the SSC may
be shown to be adequate. Alternatively, a probabilistic assessment might
be undertaken in order to demonstrate that the performance goals can be
Requirements of Executive order 12941 (Ref. 1-8), as discussed in the DOE Guide 420.1-
2 are to be implemented. The requirements of ICSSC RP6 are minimum requirements to
be met for existing buildings, especially the mitigation requirements triggered by section
2 of this standard. The line organization may define "Exceptionally High Risk buildings"
to meet their safety and mission needs. Provisions in FEMA 310 and FEMA 356 should
be taken into account while evaluating and upgrading existing buildings. Specific
provisions may have to be modified to meet criteria for PC-3 and PC-4 in this standard.
DOE O 420.1 requires that the sites should prepare upgrade plans for buildings that are
deemed deficient to meet NPH equirements. Some of these deficiencies may have been
discovered during the facility safety reviews and or during implementation of Executive
Order 12941 (Reference 1-8). One of the prioritization schemes to upgrade such
deficient building is given in Table 2-4, although sites may choose their own schemes.
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