| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Model Building Groups
The model building types listed in Table 2-4 are defined in FEMA 178, (Ref. 2-22) NEHRP
Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings.
Extremely Poor:
Concrete Moment Frame, Precast/Tilt-up Concrete Walls with
Lightweight Flexible Diaphragms, Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete
Shear Walls, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings.
Very Poor:
Steel Braced Frame, Steel Frame with Infill Shear Walls, Concrete Shear
Walls, Concrete Frame with infill Shear Walls, Reinforced Masonry
Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms. Other type Unknown
Wood, Light Frame, Wood, Commercial and Industrial, Steel Moment
Frame, Steel Light Frame, Steel Frame with Concrete Shear Walls,
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck
Essential Buildings: Buildings that, in the judgement of the owning agency require a level of
seismic resistance higher than life safety in order to support earthquake
response, critical functions, hazardous materials or extremely valuable
2.4.3 Basic Intention of Dynamic Analysis Based Deterministic
Seismic Evaluation and Acceptance Criteria
The basic intention of the deterministic seismic evaluation and acceptance criteria
defined in Section 2.3 is to achieve less than a 10% probability of unacceptable performance for
a structure, system, or component (SSC) subjected to a Scaled Design/Evaluation Basis
Earthquake (SDBE) defined by:
SDBE = (1.5SF)(DBE)
where SF is the appropriate seismic scale factor from Equation 2-1.
The seismic evaluation and acceptance criteria presented in this section has intentional
and controlled conservatism such that the target performance goals are achieved. The amount of
intentional conservatism has been evaluated in Reference 2-1 such that there should be less than
10% probability of unacceptable performance at input ground motion defined by 1.5SF times the
DBE. Equation 2-7 is useful for developing alternative evaluation and acceptance criteria which
are also based on the target performance goals such as inelastic seismic response analyses. To
evaluate items for which specific acceptance criteria are not yet developed, such as overturning
or sliding of foundations, or some systems and components; this basic intention must be met. If
a nonlinear inelastic response analysis which explicitly incorporates the hysteretic energy
dissipation is performed, damping values that are no higher than Response Level 2 should be
used to avoid the double counting of this hysteretic energy dissipation which would result from
the use of Response Level 3 damping values.
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