| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
The NPH Guide DOE G 420.1-2 has established Performance Categories. Performance
goals as described in Appendices B and C are expressed as the mean annual probability of
exceedance of acceptable behavior limits of structures and equipment due to the effects of
natural phenomena. Five Performance Categories (PC) have been established in this NPH Guide
of DOE O 420.1. Performance Categories and performance goals range from those for
conventional buildings to those for facilities with hazardous materials for operations. The
selection of NPH Performance Categories for SSCs is dependent on several factors including the
overall risk of facility operation and the assigned function to the SSC. An SSC's safety
classification is based on its function in accident prevention or mitigation as determined by
safety analysis. The safety classification should be applied to specific SSCs on a case-by-case
basis and need not apply to an entire facility (see DOE-STD-1021).
Overview of the NPH Design and Evaluation Criteria
This natural phenomena hazard standard (DOE-STD-1020), developed from UCRL-
15910 (Ref. 1-9), provides criteria for design of new SSCs and for evaluation, modification, or
upgrade of existing SSCs so that Department of Energy (DOE) facilities safely withstand the
effects of natural phenomena hazards (NPHs) such as earthquakes, extreme winds, and flooding.
DOE-STD-1020 provides consistent criteria for all DOE sites across the United States. These
criteria are provided as the means of implementing DOE O 420.1 and the associated Guides, and
Executive Orders 12699 and 12941 for earthquakes.
The design and evaluation criteria presented in this document provide relatively
straightforward procedures to evaluate, modify, or upgrade existing facilities or to design new
facilities for the effects of NPHs. The intent is to control the level of conservatism in the
design/evaluation process such that: (1) the hazards are treated consistently; and (2) the level of
conservatism is appropriate for structure, system, and component characteristics related to safety,
environmental protection, importance, and cost. The requirements for each hazard are presented
in subsequent chapters. Terminology, guidelines, and commentary material are included in
appendices which follow the requirement chapters.
Prior to applying these criteria, SSCs will have been placed in one of five Performance
Categories ranging from PC-0 to PC-4. No special considerations for NPH are needed for PC-0;
therefore, no guidance is provided. Different criteria are provided for the remaining four
Performance Categories, each with a specified performance goal. Design and evaluation criteria
aimed at target probabilistic performance goals require probabilistic natural phenomena hazard
assessments. NPH loads are developed from such assessments by specifying natural phenomena
hazard mean annual probabilities of exceedance. Performance goals may then be achieved by
using the resulting loads combined with deterministic design and evaluation procedures that
provide a consistent and appropriate level of conservatism. Design/evaluation procedures
conform closely to industry practices using national consensus codes and standards so that the
procedures will be easily understood by most engineers. Structures, systems, and components
comprising a DOE facility are to be assigned to a Performance Category utilizing the approach
described in the DOE Guide 420.1-2 (Ref.1-2) and performance categorization standard (Ref. 1-
10). These design and evaluation criteria (DOE-STD-1020) are the specific provisions to be
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