| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
diameter pipe irregardless of the separation distance. The designer/evaluator shall justify and
document these cases.
Design measures for preventing adverse performance from structural failing and failing
and proximity seismic interaction modes include: (1) strength and stiffness; (2) separation
distance; and (3) barriers. Sources may be designed to be strong enough to prevent falling or
stiff enough to prevent large displacements such that adverse interaction does not occur. To
accomplish this, the source item shall be designed to the structural integrity design criteria of the
target item. Maintaining function of the source item under this increased seismic design
requirement is not necessary. Source and targets can be physically separated sufficient distance
such that, under seismic response displacements expected for target design criteria earthquake
excitation, adverse interaction will not occur. Barriers can be designed to protect the target from
source falling or source motions. Barriers shall also be designed to the structural integrity design
criteria of the target item. In addition, barriers shall be designed to withstand impact of the
source item without endangering the target.
Another form of seismic interaction occurs where distribution lines such as piping,
tubing, conduit, or cables connected to an item important to safety or production have
insufficient flexibility to accommodate relative movement between the important item and
adjacent structures or equipment to which the distribution line is anchored. For DOE SSCs,
sufficient flexibility of such lines shall be provided from the important item to the first support
on nearby structures or equipment.
Other forms of seismic interaction result if vessels or piping systems rupture due to
earthquake excitation and cause fires or flooding which could affect performance of nearby
important or critical SSCs. In this case, such vessels or piping systems must continue to perform
their function of containing fluids or combustibles such that they shall be elevated in category to
the level of the targets that would be endangered by their failure.
Special Considerations for Existing Facilities
It is anticipated that these criteria would also be applied to evaluations of existing
facilities. General guidelines for the seismic evaluation of existing facilities are presented in a
National Institute of Standards and Technology document (Ref. C-63), a DOD manual (Ref.
C-64), and in ATC-14, "Evaluating the Seismic Resistance of Existing Buildings" (Ref. C-46)
and ATC-22, "A Handbook for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings" (Ref. C-47). In
addition, guidelines for upgrading and strengthening equipment are presented in Reference C-56
and C-29. Also, guidance for evaluation of existing equipment by experience data is provided in
Reference C-61. These documents should be referred to for the overall procedure of evaluating
seismic adequacy of existing facilities, as well as for specific guidelines on upgrading and
retrofitting. General requirements and considerations in the evaluation of existing facilities are
presented briefly below.
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