| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
that hazardous operations cannot be shut down or confined. To minimize this type of damage,
special care in detailing is required either to isolate these elements or to accommodate structural
Survival of Emergency Systems - In addition to preventing damage to structures,
equipment, distribution systems, nonstructural elements, etc., it is necessary for emergency
systems and lifelines to perform their safety-related functions following the earthquake. Means
of ingress and egress (such as stairways, elevator systems, doorways) must remain functional for
personnel safety and for control of hazardous operations. Fire protection systems should remain
operational after an earthquake if there is a significant potential for seismic-induced fire.
Normal off-site power and water supplies have been vulnerable during past earthquakes.
Emergency on-site power and water supplies may be required following an earthquake. Liquid
fuels or other flammables may leak from broken lines. Electrical short circuits may occur.
Hence, earthquake-resistant design considerations extend beyond the dynamic response of
structures and equipment to include functioning of systems that prevent unacceptable facility
damage or destruction due to fires or explosions.
Special Considerations for Systems and Components
The seismic adequacy of equipment and distribution systems is often as important as the
adequacy of the building. As part of the DOE Natural Phenomena Hazards project, a document
has been prepared that provides practical guidelines for the support and anchorage of many
equipment items that are likely to be found in DOE facilities (Ref. C-56). This document
examines equipment strengthening and upgrading to increase the seismic capacity in existing
facilities. However, the document is also recommended for considerations of equipment support
and anchorage in new facilities.
Special considerations about the seismic resistant capacity of equipment and distribution
systems include:
Equipment or distribution systems supported within a structure respond to the motion
of the supporting structure rather than the ground motion. Equipment supported on
the ground or on the ground floor within a structure experiences the same earthquake
ground motion as the structure.
Equipment or distribution systems supported at two or more locations within a
structure may be stressed due to both inertial effects and relative support
Equipment or distribution systems may have either negligible interaction or
significant coupling with the response of the supporting structure. With negligible
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