| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
3.2.2 Performance Category 2
Performance Category 2 SSCs are equivalent to essential facilities (Category IV), as defined
in ASCE 7 or model building codes. The structure shall not collapse at design wind speeds.
Complete integrity of the structure envelope is not required because no significant quantities
of toxic or radioactive materials are present. However, breach of the SSC containment is not
acceptable if the presence of wind or water interferes with the SSCs function.
An annual wind speed exceedance probability of 1x10
is specified for this Performance
Category. The importance factor is 1.0.
Once the design wind speeds are established and the importance factors applied, the
determination of wind loads on Performance Category 2 SSCs is identical to that described
for Performance Category 1 SSCs. ASD or SD methods may be used as appropriate for the
material being used. The load combinations described for Performance Category 1 are the
same for Performance Category 2.
3.2.3 Performance Category 3
The performance goal for Performance Category 3 SSCs requires more rigorous criteria than
is provided by national standards or model building codes. In some geographic regions,
tornadoes must be considered.
Straight Winds and Hurricanes
For those sites where tornadoes are not a viable threat, the recommended basic wind speed
the design wind speeds are established and the importance factors applied, determination of
Performance Category 3 wind loads is identical to Performance Category 1, except as noted
below. SSCs in Performance Category 3 may be designed or evaluated by ASD or SD
methods, as appropriate for the material used in construction. Because the hazard
exceedance probability in Performance Category 3 contributes a larger percentage to the total
probabilistic performance goal than in Performance Categories 1 or 2, less conservatism is
needed in the Performance Category 3 design and evaluation criteria. This trend is different
for seismic design as discussed in Chapter 2 and Appendix C. (See Appendix D for further
explanation.) Thus, the load combinations given in the applicable material national
consensus design standard may be reduced by 10 percent. In combinations where gravity
load reduces wind uplift, the reduction in conservatism is achieved by modifying only the
gravity load factor.
When using ASD, allowable stresses shall be determined in accordance with applicable
codes and standards (e.g. see Reference 3-4 for steel). Load combinations shall be evaluated
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