| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
SSCs must be constructed in the manner specified by the designer. Materials must be
of high quality and as strong as specified by the designer. Construction must be of
high quality and must conform to the design drawings.
By this standard, probabilistic performance goals are used as a target for formulating
deterministic seismic design criteria. Table C-1 defines seismic performance goals for
structures, systems, or components (SSCs) assigned to Performance Categories 1 through 4.
SSCs are to be assigned to performance categories in accordance with DOE G 420.1-2 (Ref. C-
67) and DOE-STD-1021-93 (Ref. C-26) in that hierarchial order. For Performance Category 3, 4
the seismic performance goals are defined in terms of a permissible annual probability of
unacceptable performance should have an annual probability less than or approximately equal to
these goals.
Table C-1 Structure, System, or Component (SSC)
Performance Goals for Various Performance Categories
Seismic Performance Goal Annual
Probability of Exceeding
Performance Goal
Acceptable Behavior Limits, PF
Onset of SSC(1) damage to the extent that
Maintain Occupant Safety
occupants are endangered
Occupant Safety, Continued Operation with
SSC damage to the extent that the component
Minimum Interruption
cannot perform its function
10-4 of SSC damage to the extent that the
Occupant Safety, Continued Operation,
Hazard Confinement
component cannot perform its function
10-5 of SSC damage to the extent that the
Occupant Safety, Continued Operation,
Confidence of Hazard Confinement
component cannot perform its function
(1) SSC refers to structure, distribution system, or component (equipment).
The performance goals shown in Table C-1 include both quantitative probability values
and qualitative descriptions of acceptable performance. The qualitative descriptions of expected
performance following design/evaluation levels of earthquake ground motions are expanded in
Table C-2. These descriptions of acceptable performance are specifically tailored to the needs in
many DOE facilities.
The performance goals described above are achieved through the use of DOE seismic
design and evaluation provisions which include: (1) lateral force provisions; (2) story
drift/damage control provisions; (3) detailing for ductility provisions; and (4) quality assurance
provisions. These provisions are comprised of the following four elements taken together: (1)
seismic loading; (2) response evaluation methods; (3) permissible response levels; and (4)
ductile detailing requirements. Acceptable performance (i.e., achieving performance goals) can
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