| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
in which combined element forces due to all concurrent loadings are reduced. The same F
values are specified for both Performance Categories of 3 and 4. In order to achieve different
risk reduction ratios, RR, appropriate for the different performance categories, the reduced
seismic response is multiplied by a seismic scale factor, SF. Different seismic scale factors SF
are specified for Performance Category 3 and 4. The resulting scaled inelastic seismic response
is combined with non-seismic concurrent loads and then compared to code ultimate response
limits. The design detailing provisions from the ACI 349, which provide ductility, toughness,
and redundancy, are also required such that SSCs can fully realize potential inelastic energy
absorption capability. Also, explicit consideration of relative seismic anchor motion (SAM)
effects is required for Performance Category 3 and higher.
For Performance Category 3 or higher, the dynamic analysis based deterministic seismic
acceptance criteria specified herein are independent of both the desired risk reduction ratio and
the performance category specified, other than for the seismic scale factor, SF. Thus, the
deterministic acceptance criteria herein may be used over a wide range of applications including
special situations where the desired seismic performance goal differs from those specified in
Tables C-1 and C-2.
Table C- 4 General Description of Earthquake Provisions
Performance Category 2 and Lower SSCs
Performance Category 3 and Higher SSCs
- Perform dynamic analysis considering the mass
Use IBC provisions
& stiffness distribution of the structure.
- Perform an elastic response spectrum analysis
but to permit limited inelastic behavior. Elastic
seismic response is reduced by the factor, F to
obtain inelastic seismic demand. Explicitly
account for relative displacement effects, where
Dynamic Seismic Analysis
As mentioned previously, complex irregular structures cannot be evaluated by the
equivalent static force method because the simple formulas for distribution of seismic forces
throughout the structure would not be applicable. For such structures, more rigorous dynamic
analysis approaches are required. In addition, for very important or highly hazardous facilities,
such as for Performance Categories 3 and higher, seismic design or evaluation must be based on
a dynamic analysis approach. Dynamic analysis approaches lead to a greater understanding of
seismic structural behavior; these approaches should generally be utilized for more hazardous
facilities. Minimum requirements for dynamic analyses were presented in Chapter 2. It should
be noted that the requirement for dynamic analysis does not also require complex dynamic
models. For simple structures or components, very simple analyses can be performed as long as:
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