| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
= 4.1 to 5.6
However, a more accurate estimate of may be obtained from Equation C-8 after
estimating the inelastic deformed shape. A slightly conservative estimate of the inelastic
deformed shape may be obtained by assuming that all of the nonlinear drift occurs in the story
with the lowest ratio of the capability to the demand (the first story for this example). The other
stories retain the same differential drifts as given by δQ in Table C-8. Thus:
= 1.06 inch
= 1.12 inch
= 1.22 inch
and from Equation C-8:
= 4.6
Computation of Inelastic Energy Absorption Factor - For concrete shear wall structures,
it is recommended that the inelastic energy absorption factor F be computed by the effective
frequency/effective damping approach of Reference C-24, as summarized herein. For this
example, it will be assumed that the force-deflection relationship on initial loading is
elasto-perfectly plastic with an ultimate capacity Vu. Thus, the ratio of secant to elastic
frequency is given by:
Then, the effective frequency is given by:
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