| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
the use in this standard fastest quarter-mile and 3 second gusts are deemed to be equivalent
for all practical purposes.
With the wind speed given in fastest quarter-mile wind and an importance factor of 1.0,
the equations in ASCE 7 should be used to obtain design wind pressures on SSCs. Exposure
Category C should always be used with tornado winds regardless of the actual terrain
roughness. Non-conservative results will be obtained with exposure B. Tornadoes traveling
over large bodies of water are waterspouts, which are less intense than land-based tornadoes.
Thus, use of exposure category D also is not necessary. The velocity pressure exposure
coefficient and gust effect factor are obtained from ASCE 7. External pressure coefficients
are used to obtain tornado wind pressures on various surfaces of structures. Net pressure
coefficients are applicable to systems and components. On structures, a distinction is made
between main wind-force resisting systems and components and cladding.
If a structure is not intentionally sealed to maintain an internal negative pressure for
confinement of hazardous materials, or, if openings greater than one square foot per 1000
cubic feet of volume are present, or, if openings of this size can be caused by missile
perforation, then the effects of internal pressure should be considered according to the rules
of ASCE 7. If a structure is sealed, then atmospheric pressure change (APC) associated with
the tornado vortex should be considered instead of internal pressures. (see Table 3-1 and
note below for APC values).
The maximum APC pressure occurs at the center of the tornado vortex where the wind
speed is theoretically zero. A more severe loading condition occurs at the radius of
maximum tornado wind speed, which is some distance from the vortex center. At the radius
of maximum wind speed, the APC may be one-half its maximum value. Thus, a critical
tornado load combination on a sealed building is one-half maximum APC pressure combined
with maximum tornado wind pressure. A loading condition of APC alone can occur on the
roof of a buried tank or sand filter, if the roof is exposed at the ground surface. APC pressure
always acts outward. A rapid rate of pressure change, which can accompany a rapidly
translating tornado, should be analyzed to assure that it does not damage safety-related
ventilation systems. Procedures and computer codes are available for such analyses
(Ref. 3-8).
When using ASD methods, allowable stresses appropriate for the materials shall be used.
Since in this case, the hazard probability satisfies the performance goal, little or no additional
conservatism is needed in the design. Thus, for ASD the tornado wind load combinations are
modified to negate the effect of safety factors. For example, the combinations from ASCE 7
(a) 0.63 (D + Wt)
(b) 0.62 (D + L + Lr + Wt)
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