| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
enclosed structure, except on windward walls and on steep windward roofs. External pressures
include pressures on windward walls, leeward walls, side walls and roof.
Internal pressures develop when air flows into or out of an enclosed structure through
existing openings or openings created by airborne missiles. In some cases natural porosity of the
structure also allows air to flow into or out of the building. Internal pressure acts either inward
or outward, depending on the location of the opening and the wind direction. If air flows into the
structure through an opening in the windward wall, a "ballooning" effect takes place: pressure
inside the building increases relative to the outside pressure. The pressure change produces
additional net outward-acting pressures on all interior surfaces. Openings in any wall or roof
area where the external pressures are outward acting allows air to flow from inside the structure:
pressure inside the structure decreases relative to the outside pressure. The pressure change
produces net inward-acting pressure on all interior surfaces. Internal pressures combine with
external pressures acting on a structure's surface.
With systems and components, interest focuses on net overturning or sliding forces,
rather than the wind pressure distribution. The magnitude of these forces is determined by wind
tunnel or full-scale tests. Also, in special cases associated with aerodynamically sensitive SSCs,
vortex shedding or flutter may need to be considered in design. Typical wind sensitive SSCs
include stacks, poles, cooling towers, utility bridges, and relatively light-weight structures with
large smooth surfaces.
Gusts of wind produce dynamic pressures on SSCs. Gust effects depend on the gust size
relative to SSC size and gust frequency relative to the natural frequency of the SSC. Except for
tall, slender structures (designated wind sensitive structures), the gust frequencies and the
structure frequencies of vibration are sufficiently different that resonance effects are small, but
are not negligible. The size (spatial extent) of a gust relative to the size of the SSC contributes to
the magnitude of the dynamic pressure. A large gust that engulfs the entire SSC has a greater
dynamic effect on the SSC than a small gust that only partially covers the SSC. In any event,
wind loads may be treated as quasi-static loads by including an appropriate gust response factor
in calculating the magnitude of the wind pressure. Straight wind, hurricane or tornado gusts are
not exactly the same, but errors owing to the difference in gust characteristics are believed to be
relatively small for those SSCs that are not wind sensitive.
The roughness of terrain surrounding SSCs significantly affects the magnitude of wind
speed. Terrain roughness is typically defined in four classes: urban, suburban, open and smooth.
Wind speed profiles as a function of height above ground are represented by a power law
relationship for engineering purposes. The relationship gives zero wind speed at ground level.
The wind speed increases with height to the top of the boundary layer, where the wind speed
remains constant with height.
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