| DOE-STD-1020-2002
winds and can cause collapse of walls, columns and frames. These heavy missiles are not picked
up by winds consistent with the design criteria, they simply roll and tumble along the ground.
The tornado missile criteria should be consistent with new tornado hazard curves to be
developed using LLNL methodology (Reference D-13)
The missile wall and roof barriers recommended herein were all tested at the Tornado
Missile Impact Facility at Texas Tech University. The impact tests are documented in Reference
D-8. Structural response tests are not available for automobile impacts. Theoretical treatment of
structural response calculations are given in References D-10, D-11, and D-12. Barriers that
have not been tested such as grills, doors, wall cladding, tanks, mechanical ducts, etc should be
tested in order to certify their performance.
Several empirical equations have been proposed for estimating the impact resistance if
concrete and steel barriers. The equations were developed for use in the design of commercial
nuclear power plants, and may not be applicable to the missile criteria specified herein. See
Reference D-8 for a discussion of empirical missile impact equations.
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