| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
Before initial use of a new installation, system, or equipment, or as soon as
possible after a radiation source is brought into the area.
whenever changes in procedures, equipment, or sources have occurred that
may cause changes in the external radiation levels.
after modification to a shield or changes in shield materials.
as the basis for trend evaluation of external radiation level conditions.
when a radiological accident has occurred or is suspected.
when requested by the personnel performing the activity (see Munson et al.,
1988, p. 6.1.2).
Radiation surveys should be performed upon initial entry into process cells and
tanks that contain radioactive piping or components.
Surveys should be conducted when performing operations that might result in
personnel being exposed to small intense beams of radiation (e.g., removing
shielding for shielded X-ray devices).
Every reasonable effort should be made to maintain the radiation dose equivalent
of the surveyor at levels that conform to ALARA guidance.
Surveys should be performed and documented according to established procedures.
Only fully trained and qualified personnel should conduct surveys that are to be the
official records of radiation levels or for the protection of personnel; these surveys
should be reviewed and approved by the Radiological Protection Manager or
his/her designee.
Surveys should be performed with calibrated instrumentation appropriate for the
intensity and energy of the radiation anticipated in the area to be surveyed.
Survey instruments should meet the performance check requirements established
by the facility in accordance with ANSI N323a (ANSI, 1997b).
Combinations of survey instruments should be used as necessary to provide the
capability to measure all types of radiation and dose rates characteristic of that
which could be encountered at the facility being surveyed.
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