| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
Used for In-Plant Plutonium Monitoring (ANSI, 1980a). These clean areas should
be maintained below the surface contamination levels cited in 10 CFR 835 (DOE,
3.2.3 Visitors
Regardless of the general radiation safety knowledge of visitors to a plutonium facility, they
should be escorted at all times when they go into the posted areas of the plant. In addition,
before going into such an area, they should be given a general orientation to the facility
radiation protection program and informed about the potential radiation conditions in the
areas where they will be going. They also should be provided with the same protective
devices worn by facility personnel engaged in similar activities.
Visitors with a demonstrated need to enter the following areas may be allowed access if such
access is controlled with a combination of training and the use of escorts trained for the
specific area:
Radiological Buffer Areas
Radiation and High Radiation Areas
Contamination Areas
Radioactive Material Areas
Guidance for training for visitors is provided in the standard, Radiological Control (DOE,
1999a), Article 622:
-- Persons under 18 years of age should not be permitted to enter Radiation Areas or
Contamination Areas without the approval of the Radiological Protection Manager.
-- Area entry requirements and access restrictions for visitors should be in accordance with
established facility procedures.
-- Individuals, visitors included, shall (10 CFR 835.502(b)) be prevented from entering
10 CFR 835.603(c), and visitors should be prohibited from accessing High
Contamination and Airborne Radioactivity Areas.
In addition the following is recommended:
All facility personnel serving as a qualified escort should ensure that each visitor under
his/her cognizance completes a facility radiological visitor form. The qualified escort
should also sign the visitor form and complete it as appropriate.
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