| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
6. Utilization. Once a safety analysis document is approved, copies are sent to the affected
organizations, including operations and applicable facility engineering, to incorporate
the administrative controls from the safety analysis document into the affected operating
documents. User organizations must obtain the packaging organization review of all
operating procedures that incorporate instructions or administrative controls found in
COCS, SARPS, SEPS, DAPS, DOT exemptions, and Federal and state packaging
requirements to ensure that they are properly incorporated.
Onsite packages currently approved for onsite use should be cataloged and described in a
hazardous materials packaging directory maintained by the packaging organization. New
packages are added to the directory as they are developed and approved.
The radiological control organization must be structured so that all of the activities required to
provide support to line management and workers can be accomplished.
3.3.1 Management Commitment
Management commitment to safety is the most important characteristic of an effective
radiological control program. If the management commitment to safety is strong, the
radiological control program will be valued and respected. The radiological control program
should be provided adequate authority to permit performance of necessary assignments and
program implementation. Management commitment to the ALARA concept is particularly
important [see Article 111, Radiological Control (DOE, 1999a)]. Adequate personnel,
equipment, and funding should be available as a part of this commitment.
3.3.2 Radiological Control Organization Independence and Reporting Level
The radiological control organization should be independent of the line organization
responsible for production, operation, or research activities and should have an equivalent
reporting level. Because health physics personnel should have the authority to balance
operations with safety, they should not report directly to the administrators of operations.
When shift work is involved, the operations shift supervisor may make minor health physics
decisions in support of the shift's Radiological Control Technicians (RCTs); however,
decisions involving basic policies and procedures should be directed to a separate health
physics organization.
If a safety organization includes the health physics program, it should be high enough in the
company to assure direct access to the company president or equivalent. If the health
physics program is administered by a separate radiological control organization, that
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