| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
discussed in ANSI/ANS 8.3-1986 (ANSI, 1986a). The criteria discussed in the following
subsections are specified in these standards as referenced. Portable Survey Instruments
ANSI N317 (ANSI, 1980a) discusses several criteria related to the performance of
portable survey instruments; these include the following requirements:
-- The overall accuracy shall be within 20%, and the precision shall be within
10% at the 95% confidence level.
-- The response time (i.e., the time for the instrument reading to go from zero to
90% of full scale) shall be < 10 seconds on the most sensitive scale and
< 2 seconds at readings of 100 mrem/h, 100 mR/h, and 500 dpm or greater.
(This criterion is unrealistic with current neutron instrument capabilities.
Response time is typically 30 to 60 seconds.)
-- The instrument shall be able to maintain accuracy and precision for a minimum
of 24 hours of continuous operation.
-- The instrument shall have a minimum battery lifetime of 200 hours of
continuous operation.
ANSI N42.17A (ANSI, 1988a) specifications differ slightly.
-- The response of the instrument shall not change by more than 15% from a
reference value taken at 20C over the anticipated temperature range for
-- The instrument system shall function within specifications over all anticipated
combinations of temperature and humidity (e.g., 15 to 65C, 40% to 95%
relative humidity).
Photon survey instruments should meet the accuracy requirements stated in ANSI
N317 (ANSI, 1980a) over the energy range of 0.01 to 1.25 MeV. The angular
response of this type of instrument should be within 15% over a 2B steradian
frontal direction using at least two photon sources with energies ranging from 0.06
to 1.25 MeV. Experience has shown that this response specification is not met by
most instruments at lower energies due to attenuation of the photon. The energy
dependence should be within 15% over the range of very low energy to 1.25 MeV
and the operating range should be from 0.5 mR/h to at least 5000 mR/h.
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