| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
provide ranges for all radiation dose rates and contamination levels potentially
encountered at the time of an accident. Normally, dose rate capabilities from a few
millirem per hour to a few hundred rem per hour should be required while
capability requirements for the contamination level may range upward from
emitters. Performance specifications for emergency radiological monitoring
instrumentation can be found in ANSI N320-1979 (ANSI, 1975b) and
BNWL-1742 (Andersen et al., 1974).
3.5.3 Instrument Calibrations and Testing
Radiation doses and energies in the work areas should be well characterized. Calibration of
instruments should be conducted where possible under conditions and with radiation
energies similar to those encountered at the work stations. Knowledge of the work area
radiation spectra and instrument energy response should permit the application of correction
factors when it is not possible to calibrate with a source that has the same energy spectrum.
All calibration sources should be traceable to recognized national standards. Neutron energy
spectral information is considered particularly important because neutron instruments and
dosimetry are highly energy-dependent.
When the work areas have been well characterized, the calibration facility used by the
plutonium plant should be set up to represent as closely as possible the work area's radiation
fields. Californium-252 or PuBe calibration sources should be used for work areas that
process plutonium metal and plutonium oxide because their neutron energy distribution is
similar to those compounds. Facilities that process PuF4 should use a PuF4 source. Most
work areas at processing plants are high-scatter areas and thus have significant quantities of
low-energy neutrons. Because it may not be feasible to have sources and scatter geometries
representative of all work locations at the facility, it should be important to determine
specific spectra and correction factors for work locations to correct for the calibration.
Scatter conditions should be taken into account when setting up a calibration facility. The
effect of room scatter in a neutron calibration facility can be significant and may account for
as much as 20% of the measured dose equivalent rate. The Schwartz and Eisenhauer (1982)
methods should be used to correct for room scatter.
ANSI N323 (ANSI, 1997b) provides requirements on the calibration of portable
instruments. The reproducibility of the instrument readings should be known prior to
making calibration adjustments. This is particularly important if the instrument has failed to
pass a periodic performance test (i.e., the instrument response varies by more than 20%
from a set of reference readings using a check source) or if the instrument has been repaired.
The effect of energy dependence, temperature, humidity, ambient pressure, and source-to-
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