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Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
cooperative relationship between operations and health physics is paramount to the health and
safety of workers and the public and to protection of the environment.
A plutonium facility should have a written policy on radiation protection, including an ALARA
policy. All radiation protection procedures and controls should have recognizable or formal
technical bases for limits, methods, and personnel protection standards. Procedures should be
adequately documented, updated periodically, and maintained in a centralized historical file. A
control system should be established to assure that all copies are accounted for and that all new
procedures are included in the historical files. A designated period of time for holding the historical
files should be established. DOE Order 200.1 (DOE, 1996a) and ANSI/HPS N13.6 (ANSI, 1999a)
provide guidance on how long to keep historical files. In addition, radiation protection procedures
should have a documented approval system and established intervals for review and/or revision. A
tracking system should be developed to ensure that the required reviews and revisions occur.
The radiation protection procedure system should provide for but not be limited to, the following
topics: radiation work procedures, posting and labeling, instrument calibration, and provision for
3.9.1 Radiation Work Procedures
Radiation work procedures, including RWPs, survey procedures, ALARA reviews, sample
counting, and other task procedures, fall within the requirements for conduct of operations.
All sections of DOE Order 5480.19, Ch. 2 (DOE, 2001c) apply. The guidance and
requirements of Section XVI, "Operations Procedures," is especially pertinent to radiation
work procedures. Procedures are a key factor affecting radiation protection performance.
Appropriate attention should be given to writing, reviewing, approving, and monitoring
implementation of radiation protection procedures. There should be documented
qualification and training requirements for those who prepare and approve procedures. A
formal approval process should be established. Procedure changes and revisions should be
subject to the same review and approval process as the initial procedure.
Personnel should be trained in the use of the procedures they will be expected to perform.
For RWPs, workers should read the RWP and verify by signature that they have read it,
understand its contents, and will comply with its requirements in the conduct of the work.
Procedures should be available for personnel use. The RWPs should be posted at the
entrance to the work location. There should be a system in place to assure that posted copies
of all work procedures, including RWPs, are current.

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