| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
The characteristics of the cover can be adjusted to vary water transmission and the color can
be changed to inhibit growth under the covering. The major problem for outside use of all
of these fixatives is the invasion and actions of biota. Mice, rabbits, other wildlife as well as
plant growth tend to burrow under any covering and spread the contamination. While these
measures do not permanently solve the problem, they may provide a method of preventing
the spread of contamination until a permanent, acceptable solution is determined. Housekeeping
The three housekeeping practices listed below should be followed in a plutonium
facility as part of the Conduct of Operations [see DOE Order 5480.19, Ch. 2 (DOE,
-- The inventory of contaminated and potentially contaminated scrap and
equipment should be kept to a minimum because all such materials are subject
to special monitoring and accountability.
-- Radioactive contamination should be controlled and the spread of contaminants
and the potential for accidents involving contaminants shall be minimized. (In
at least one instance, poor housekeeping contributed to a serious criticality
accident.) Management at all levels should continuously emphasize the
importance of good housekeeping, and operating procedures should be written
to ensure good housekeeping practices.
-- Measures shall be taken to maintain radiation exposure in controlled areas as
low as is reasonably achievable through facility design features and
administrative control (10 CFR 835.1001).
Where possible, materials that are not absolutely necessary to an operation should
be kept out of the contaminated or potentially contaminated area. It is very
important to minimize the creation of TRU waste. All packaging and unnecessary
protective coverings should be removed before materials are introduced into the
process area. Likewise, items that are not necessary to the process should be
promptly removed, particularly from glove boxes, and not left to accumulate and
become safety hazards, potential fire hazards, sources of radioactive (dust)
accumulation, or sources of exposure.
Good housekeeping practices inside glove boxes should emphasize fire and
explosion control. Only metal or nonflammable plastic containers should be used
for the accumulation of scrap and wastes of any kind in the glove boxes and
throughout plutonium facilities. Accumulation of combustible materials in glove
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