| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
-- upgrade bioassay measurement systems and workplace monitoring practices to provide
state-of-the-art measurements
-- ensure that internal dose assessments use state-of-the-art technology.
-- ensure workplace monitoring programs are designed to identify potential intakes.
All confirmed occupational intakes of plutonium, regardless of magnitude, should be
assessed. The results of all bioassay and other measurements needed to support the quality
of measurements and dose assessment should be recorded and maintained. The recording
and reporting requirements for internal dosimetry data are set forth in Section 3.7 of this
report; however, the following is a summary list of internal dosimetry information for which
recording is required:
-- Total CEDE from all intakes during a year
-- committed dose equivalent (CDE) to organs or tissues of concern from all intakes during
a year
-- magnitude of intake for each radionuclide during a year
-- data necessary to allow subsequent verification, correction, or recalculation of doses
-- gestation period dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus from intake by the declared
pregnant worker during the entire gestation period.
Radiation exposure records programs must also provide for the summation of internal and
external doses, as required by 10 CFR 835.702 (DOE, 1998a). While the summation
process is not necessarily performed under a site internal dosimetry program, it behooves the
program to recognize what is required. The following summations are identified by 10 CFR
835.702(c)(5) and (6):
-- Total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) defined as the summation of effective dose
equivalent (deep dose equivalent) from external exposure and the CEDE
-- summation of the effective dose equivalent (deep dose equivalent) from external
exposure and the CDE to organs or tissues of concern
-- cumulative TEDE
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