| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
The rationale for the selected bioassay measurement frequency should also be documented. It is
appropriate to evaluate the probability of intake and to modify the sampling frequency based on
that probability.
The frequency of bioassay measurements should normally not be decreased because analytical
results are below the detection level. The bioassay program should be maintained to confirm the
proper functioning of the overall internal exposure control program and to document the absence of
significant intakes of radionuclides.
5.4.1 Frequency Based on Program Sensitivity
The minimum detectable dose concept refers to the potential dose associated with an MDA
bioassay measurement at a given time interval post-intake. The pattern of retention of
activity in the body, the MDA for a bioassay measurement technique, and the frequency
with which that technique is applied define a quantity of intake that could go undetected by
the bioassay program. An intake of such a magnitude would not be detected if it occurred
immediately after a bioassay measurement and if it were eliminated from the body at such a
rate that nothing was detected during the next scheduled measurement. The dose resulting
from such an intake would be the MDD for that particular measurement technique and
Estimates of MDD in terms of CEDE should be documented for each measurement
technique, MDA, and frequency. Retention functions specific to the various chemical forms
and particle size distributions found in the facility should be used. Examples of MDD
tabulations can be found in La Bone et al. (1993) and Carbaugh et al. (1994). In establishing
MDD tables, it is important to consider dose contributions from all appropriate radionuclides
in any mixture, rather than just the dose contribution from the bioassay indicator nuclide.
5.4.2 Frequency Based on Potential Risk of Intake
As discussed in Section 5.3.2, although plutonium workers are not generally considered to
be at high risk of incurring intakes that might result in CEDEs of 100 mrem or more, any
plutonium worker can be considered to have the potential for such an intake. However,
having the potential for intake does not mean that they are likely to incur an intake.
Workers who have the highest potential risk for an intake are those most closely working
with plutonium or plutonium-contaminated material. Typically, these workers are glove-box
workers, maintenance workers, and operational health physics surveillance staff. These
workers should be on a routine plutonium or americium bioassay program, including
urinalysis and in vivo measurements. Such programs are relatively insensitive compared to
the 100-mrem CEDE goal and are a safety net intended to catch intakes of significance
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