| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
be monitored. It is particularly important to have good baseline data and projections for
individuals who return to plutonium work.
The ability of a bioassay program to distinguish between an established, elevated baseline
and a new potential intake is important in the continued monitoring of workers once an
intake has occurred. Because of statistical fluctuations in low-level plutonium and
americium measurements, it can be very difficult to identify a new intake by routine
bioassay if a worker has an elevated baseline.
Administering a bioassay program requires that the policies, procedures, materials, support
facilities, and staff be in place to enable a bioassay program to commence. Among the
administrative items to address are the following:
-- Management policy requiring participation in bioassay program by appropriate workers (may
be part of an overall radiation protection policy)
-- implementing procedures (e.g., criteria for who should participate, scheduling, sample kit
instructions, sample kit issue/receipt, follow-up to unsuccessful sample or measurement
attempts, data-handling)
-- arrangements with appropriate analytical laboratories, including specifications of analysis
sensitivity, processing times, reporting requirements, and quality assurance provisions
-- onsite support facilities (e.g., sample kit storage locations, sample kit issue/collection stations,
measurement laboratory facilities, equipment maintenance)
-- staff selection, qualification, and training.
Recommendations for testing criteria for radiobioassay laboratories are in HPS N13.30 (HPS,
1996). These recommendations include calculational methods and performance criteria for bias,
precision, and testing levels.
Some sites have established brief flyers or brochures describing their bioassay measurements.
These may be distributed to workers during classroom training, upon notification of scheduled
measurements, or at the time of the measurement or sample.
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