| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
In an in vivo wound counting for plutonium or americium is usually one facet of special
bioassay following a wound. While a portable alpha survey meter may show if surface
contamination is present at the wound site or contamination of the wounding object, alpha
detectors are not capable of measuring imbedded activity or activity masked by blood or
serum. Thus, plutonium and americium facilities should have available a wound counter
utilizing a thin sodium iodide or semi-conductor (e.g., planar germanium) detector. Such
detectors are capable of measuring the low-energy photons emitted from plutonium and
americium. The ability to accurately quantify wound activity is highly variable, depending
on the calibration of the equipment and how deeply imbedded material is in an in the wound.
If the object causing a wound and blood smears taken at the time of a wound show no
detectable activity, then a wound count also showing no detectable activity is probably
sufficient to rule out an intake. If the wounding object or the blood smears show detectable
activity, special urine samples should be obtained regardless of the wound count result. In
an in this latter circumstance, lack of detectable activity on a wound count could be
attributable to deeply imbedded material at the wound site or to rapid transportation of
material from the wound to the systemic compartment.
In growth of 241Am from 241Pu in an in plutonium mixtures can also significantly impact in
an in vivo data interpretation. Rather than decreasing with time, 241Am results can increase
without additional intake. This circumstance is particularly likely if dealing with residual
activity bound up in an in wound sites, but may also be observed by in an in vivo chest or
skeleton counting. A method to evaluate 241Am ingrowth is described is Section 5.8.4.
5.7.2 Urine Sample Results
Detection of plutonium or americium activity in an in a routine or special urine sample using
commonly available radiochemical measurement techniques should be investigated as a
potential intake. A data review should be made to assure that the sample result was correctly
determined, and batch QC sample data should be verified.
If the result is near the Lc, it is possible that statistical fluctuation of the measurement
process could account for the apparent detection. Recounting the final sample preparation
once or twice can be a helpful technique to verify a result or classify it as a false-positive. If
the first recount also detects the analyte, it can be concluded that the sample does contain the
analyte (the likelihood of two consecutive false positives at a 5% type I error per
measurement is 0.0025, or 0.25%.) If the first recount does not detect the analyte, a second
recount can be performed as a tie-breaker.
An investigation should be initiated for any abnormal plutonium or americium urinalysis
result. "Abnormal" for a person with no prior history of intake should be interpreted as any
detectable activity.
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