| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
The sequence and priority of the emergency action plan may vary with the magnitude and
type of accidental conditions and their severity. An initial early assessment of the
incident should focus, first, on treatment of life-threatening physical injuries and, second,
on the radioactive contamination involved. Minor injuries should be treated after
A rapid estimate of the amount of internal contamination by plutonium or other
alpha-emitters may not be possible. If a significant intake (meaning one that exceeds 10
times the ALI) is suspected, medical staff should proceed with decorporation therapy
after first treating major injuries.
Responsibilities for Management of Internal Contamination
Responsibilities should be assigned for action in an in response to an accidental internal
plutonium contamination. The affected worker has the responsibility to inform the health
physicist, RCT, or his immediate supervisor as soon as an intake is suspected. (More
broadly, all radiological workers have the responsibility to report conditions that could
lead to an intake to their immediate supervisor and/or the health physics organization.)
The health physicist or RCT should make an initial survey of the extent of the
contamination and immediately contact his supervisor and, when action levels are
exceeded, contact a member of the medical staff. He should continue to provide
monitoring and radiation safety support to the medical staff and supervisors during the
management of the contamination incident. Care should be taken to limit the spread of
radioactive contamination.
The health physicist should immediately begin to gather data on the time and extent of
the incident. Contamination survey results should be recorded. Radionuclide identity,
chemical form, and solubility classification should be determined. Nasal smears should
be obtained immediately if an intake by inhalation is suspected. When action levels are
exceeded, all urine and feces should be collected and labeled for analysis.
Decontamination should proceed with the assistance of the medical staff. Contaminated
clothing and other objects should be saved for later analysis.
Immediate Medical Care
The medical staff should provide immediate emergency medical care for serious injuries
to preserve the life and well-being of the affected worker. Minor injuries may await
medical treatment until after an initial radiation survey is completed and the spread of
contamination is controlled. However, the individual should be removed from the
contaminated radiation area as soon as possible. Chemical contamination and acids
should be washed immediately from the skin to prevent serious burns and reactions.
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