| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
75% normal UO2 showed that dose rates increased as dust loadings increased with
use; the dose rates on the hand and forearm increased to levels of about 30 mrem/h
to 20 mrem/h, respectively.
Table 6.5.
Gamma Dose Rates Along an Arm Phantom in Contact with a Steel Can Containing 1 kg of
Plutonium Dioxide in an Uncontaminated Glove Box
Gamma Dose Rates, mrad/h
Neoprene Glove
Lead-Loaded Glove
Ring finger
330 6
272 25
292 9
220 16
Back of hand
72 2
65 1
84 6
56 5
31 1
24 1
22 0.4
12 1
4.4 0.1
3.8 0.4
4.8 0.1
2.6 0.2
1.4 0.1
1.8 0.4
2.9 0.2
2.1 0.1
Bottom of humerus
2.2 0.1
2.5 0.5
Lower mid-arm
7.1 0.1
3.9 0.3
Lower mid-humerus
3.8 0.1
2.3 0.2
Upper mid-arm
2.4 0.1
2.5 0.2
Upper mid-humerus
1.8 0.1
1.8 0.2
Top of arm
0.9 0.03
2.2 0.8
Top of humerus
1.1 0.02
1.3 0.1
The gamma energy spectra from plutonium sources are highly variable, depending
on the amount of shielding present, including self-shielding. Small lightly shielded
sources, such as dust layers on the interior of glove boxes, are dominated by L X-
rays and the 60-keV photons from 241Am, the decay progeny of 241Pu.
But the gamma energy spectra are quite different in storage vaults and other
facilities where the plutonium is encapsulated. In those cases, the low-energy
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