| ![]() DOE-STD-1128-98
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium Facilities
proportional counters filled with gasses at different pressures. Each counter
measures a different portion of the neutron spectrum, and quite accurate spectra
can be obtained by "linking" all the measurements together. Unfortunately, this
type of spectrometer is quite expensive, bulky, and difficult to use for workplace
Recently, neutron energy spectrometers have been fabricated from superheated
drop detectors. Each type of superheated drop detector responds to neutrons
with energies above a certain threshold. By using a combination of detectors
with different thresholds and appropriate unfolding algorithms, it is possible to
determine approximate neutron energy spectra from simple measurements.
Commercially available units currently tend to suffer from quality control
problems; i.e, the sensitivity per unit neutron fluence varies too much to make
highly accurate spectral measurements. (The sensitivity varies with the degree
of superheat and ambient temperature.) However, this technique offers great
promise as a very simple, relatively inexpensive method for neutron
spectrometry and dose determinations, particularly in facilities with a constant
The traditional methods of using time, distance, and shielding are typically employed in
plutonium facilities to reduce exposures to ALARA levels. However, other considerations may
be just as important. Good housekeeping practices are vital to keep dose rates low. Even
invisible dust layers on the interior surfaces of glove boxes can create gamma radiation fields of
10 mrem/h or more, especially through lightly shielded glove ports. The practice of pulling
gloves outside for storage should not be condoned in operations that generate dust or powders.
Dose rates of 30 mrem/h have been measured in facilities processing high-exposure oxide
powders. A factor of 30 reduction in dose rate was achieved by merely storing the gloves inside
the glove box when not in use and placing lightweight "pie plate" shields over the glove-port
Obviously, reducing the time a worker is exposed in a radiation field will reduce the
dose. Any operation which involves high dose rates (more than a few mrem/hour) or
long exposures should be reviewed for possible reductions in a worker's exposure time.
For example, a worker should minimize the time spent near a fluorination operation.
After the equipment has been set up, the worker should leave the area during the actual
fluorination step.
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